31. March 2022

Addressing smallholders’ actual income needs that are closer to living income levels requires a systemic approach; no sole actor can fully address the income gap. Sustainability systems have an important role to play in the collective global efforts to tackle this issue. 

The Living Income Community of Practice works closely with sustainability systems to identify where they can best create change in this space, and to advance and deepen their living income strategies and the treatment of living income in their standards.

In this webinar, we opened up a space for discussion to explore some of these questions:

  • How are systems best placed to integrate living income goals? What are the conditions for change?

  • How do living income strategies intersect with other strategies? (e.g gender)

  • Are there significant differences between commodities under systems with regards to living income aspirations?

  • What are the main barriers/challenges systems face to work in this area?