Who we are
LICOP Coordination
This community is a result of a partnership between Sustainable Food Lab, GIZ and ISEAL.

Program Director Agriculture & Development
Kealy Sloan
Sustainable Food Lab ksloan@sustainablefood.org
Advisor for Sustainable Agricultural Supply Chains
Sandra Pfülb
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) sandra.pfuelb@giz.deTechnical committee (TAC)
The Technical Advisory Committee helps the LICOP to identify the direction, priorities, and components of our technical work, providing a backstop for the technical guidance and resources we produce. It is composed of experts in farm household economics and characteristics, and income calculation.

Senior Associate, Farm & Supply Chain Economics
Elian Mendez
Rainforest Alliance r.aviles@fairtrade.net
Program Director Agriculture & Development
Kealy Sloan
Sustainable Food Lab ksloan@sustainablefood.org
Deputy Director & Senior Researcher
Marcelo Delajara
Anker Research Institute mdelajara@ankerinstitute.org
Coordinator for Sustainable Livelihoods & Decent Work
Rodrigo Avilés
Fairtrade International r.aviles@fairtrade.net
Senior Innovation Manager – Better Incomes
Vaibhav Panpaliya
The Sustainable Trade Initiative IDH panpaliya@idhtrade.org
Sustainable value chains and impact researcher
Valerie Janssen
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) valerie1.janssen@wur.nl
Senior researcher sustainable value chain development
Yuca Waarts
Wageningen University & Research (WUR) yuca.waarts@wur.nlAdvisory Board (AB)
The Advisory Board liaise with GIZ, Sustainable Food Lab and ISEAL to provide guidance and advice on the activities of the LICoP by highlighting topics of interest, making recommendations on resources and guidance and suggesting topics and speakers for upcoming webinars and other in person events of the LICoP.

Managing Director
Antonie Fountain
Voice of Organisations in Cocoa (VOICE Network) antonie@voicenetwork.eu
Senior Advisor Sustainable Livelihoods
Carla Veldhuyzen van Zanten
Fairtrade International c.veldhuyzen@fairtrade.net
Smallholder & Livelihoods Advisor
Georgina Barker
UK International Forests Unit, Foreign Commonwealth Development Office georgina.barker@fcdo.gov.uk
Commercial Director
João Mattos
CLAC Latin American and Caribbean Network of Fairtrade Small Producers and Workers joao.mattos@clac-comerciojusto.org
Senior Manager, Agriculture and Food
Laura van Geel
World Business Council for Sustainable Development vangeel@wbcsd.org
Global Monitoring and Evaluation, Verification and Learning Manager
Manuel Kiewisch
Mondelez International Manuel.Kiewisch@mdlz.com
Advisor M&E for Social Impact, Sustainable Economic Development
Rik Habraken
Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) r.habraken@kit.nl
Senior Innovation Manager – Better Income
Vaibhav Panpaliya
IDH Transforming Markets panpaliya@idhtrade.orgLICOP Secretariat
The LICOP secretariat manages the day to day operations of the community of practice as well as its communication channels. For any questions related to the LICOP please contact livingincome(at)isealalliance.org